Current Ministry

Dr. Butrin serves as the Team Leader for Health Initiatives with CompassionLink a ministry offering” Sustainable Solutions for Communities in Need” worldwide. She also lectures and consults on best practices in compassion ministry.

Her publications include, “From the Roots Up”, a new look at justice and compassion in missions,” Casting Hope: Devotional Reflections of Friendship and Fishing” and just released, “The Men and Me: Tips for being the only female on the team”.

Previous Ministry

Dr. Butrin began her missionary career in 1972 in the country now known as Democratic Republic of the Congo working with mobile clinics, rural hospitals, and community health projects. She then joined HealthCare Ministries, (now CompassionLink) and became the Director in 1996. She recently retired from the role of directing the AGWM International Ministries and being a member of the AGWM executive team, a position she held for seventeen years.


RN — Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, Pennsylvania

B.S. — Evangel University, Springfield, Missouri

M.S. — Penn State University, University Park, Pennsylvania

Ph.D. — University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Contact Information:

CompassionLink: 417-866-6311

AGWM Account: AG236842



  • I wish I knew more about valuing the dignity of others by asking a lot more questions.

    • When an elderly Congolese pastor prayed, thank you for this woman who has come to us. Even though she is only a woman, thank you that she has a heart like a man!

    • When a blind man was healed as I prayed in Bangladesh causing a breakthrough in a Muslim village.

    • When I was invited to join the all-male team as the first woman to be a part of the executive committee

  • If I were starting over I would do it all again. I would hope I would do so in a kinder, more nurturing, and compassionate way, but yes, I would do it all over again.