speaker . author . mentor . global worker

A Note from

I speak in churches, do seminars, participate in small groups, form mentoring groups, talk about women in leadership, and much, much more.  Let me know how I can serve you!


My passion for speaking, and writing about missions has never been stronger. I long to see young men and women grounded in excellent missiology while pursuing whatever “calling” God has put on their lives. I love to work with and mentor young women who have such leadership potential but don’t know how to get there.

JoAnn's books

In this book you will get a glimpse of JoAnn's experiences in the Democratic Republic of Congo, working in a male-dominated culture to taking her seat for seventeen years in an executive board room with her being the only female. The Men & Me includes tips for both men and women to work well together when the team is mostly men. It also speaks to our American cultural heritage of paternalism and some of the root factors that may influence how a woman may react on a mostly male team. You won't want to stop reading this journey of "How-to" and "How not to" take your seat at the table of leadership.

"Experiencing many fishing adventures and many years of friendship, Carol and JoAnn share some of their stories in Casting Hope. Each short, engaging, and sometimes humorous reflection will offer spiritual insights and the value of friendship learned along the way."

"From the Roots Up", contains some of the lessons I learned, often the hard way, and am still learning, and many of the mistakes I made in not valuing the dignity and capacity of those with whom I worked.

JoAnn’s Blog